Much harder than it looks ...

this plumbing malarkey.

Actually, I'm being a bit lazy and paying a plumber to install the new toilet and towel radiator in the cloakroom. I would normally do it myself but I really don't like plumbing. If you get a leak, it's very messy. I prefer electrics. There, a leak is not at all messy. Fatal, but not messy.

Speaking of electrics, I brought a shaver socket for the cloakroom. Very expensive for what it is, but I figured you can't cut corners where safety is concerned. Opened up the packet yesterday and inside the socket is a label saying not suitable for bathrooms. How stupid is that? Where am I supposed to install my very expensive shaver socket then - in the kitchen perhaps? Nothing like a bit of stubble in your dinner to improve the flavour.

I appreciate the issue, i.e. water and electricity are not good bedfellows, but my kitchen has the biggest sink and the most electrical sockets in the house. How come that is safe but my fused shaver socket in the cloakroom is not?

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