Kitty Hospital .....

Day 1.

My handsome Zazu is not well.

Last night was my final night in Baltimore, Maryland and when I called R from the hotel he told me that Zazu had had some kind of a "fit". He describes it here. I still cry when I read that.

Coming back home from Baltimore all I could think about was my sweet boy ..... how was he doing? After I got home I called the veterinarian hospital and they said it was okay for me to visit..... and I certainly did.

Last night when R took him to the emergency veterinarian clinic they told him that Zazu has an obstructed bladder and kidney stones. This morning R had to collect him from the clinic and take him to our regular vet ..... that's where he is now. They are pumping fluids into him in order to unblock the urethra and hopefully shrink the kidney stones.

It was very sad to see him in this state and I can't seem to stop crying. I want my baby home!!!!

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