
By middaypyjamas

Watery Veins

When in doubt take some photo of water. It was a bit wet today and I got this one as I was leaving the house to go to work. After a big day yesterday followed by a big sleep I woke up feeling refreshed and ready to go. So go I did, to work, and got quite a lot done there before returning home to enjoy a bit of rest.

In the afternoon Jono came over and he, Dom, Nicky and I enjoyed some homemade guacamole by Nicky before settling in to Sunday night movie night. This week’s feature was 12 Years a Slave. While it was a movie that did have a lot to offer it wasn’t my kind of film, mostly because it was exactly as unjust and heartbreaking as you might expect. It was a battle to watch as it didn’t have any real highs, mostly just ever increasing lows, to the point where I felt worn out by the end of it…but maybe that was the point. This was made worse by the fact that it was a true story, based off a novel written by the protagonist many years ago.

We do however have a rule for Sunday night movie night, one week serious, next week fun, so the film for next week better be the most fun film ever made.

- Damian

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