
By middaypyjamas

A Run, a Ride, and a Walk

My day started at six am as I had set myself the challenge of getting up early for a run before work. I got out of bed with only a little effort, before heading out to take on the cold and the dark dressed in my, much too thin, running gear. Unsurprisingly I started off a bit stiff, but by half way (5 km) I had warmed up and got into a nice rhythm on the way home. While the task was just to complete the run I was happy with the time I got which was fifty three minutes.

After some breakfast I was then on the bike to ride my next ten km, this time to work. That took me though to lunch where I rode home again, getting this lovely, and incredibly autumn, photo in the Museum Gardens as I went. I got home feeling good, with both my exercise and work done for the day, then spent the afternoon doing some study and reading. After a while I did feel myself stiffing up a bit and so decided to go for a walk.

The walk, quite appropriately, was back where I started that morning. Where as I had started the morning with my quick feet hitting the pavement as I watched the sun rise, my pace was far less as I watched it set. There’s something in us that loves symmetry so it felt good to come full circle. I finished the five km's feeling limber once more and satisfyingly tired.

- Damian

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