
By middaypyjamas

Black and White Budgie

Today’s blip stars my budgerigar Sherlock. He can be one grumpy SOB but nevertheless I still love him, and I think he loves me, as long as biting someone constitutes a form of affection, which I’m going to say it does. I had some fun with him today as he was actually running around on the floor, something he rarely does, after I lured him down there with some balls he like to play with. I took a lot of photos of him as he’s not one who likes to stand still or have a camera too close to him. Eventually I got this one that I liked and I thought to use it to try something I’ve been meaning to do for a while, the editing. In the past I’ve seen and used the effect where you black and white everything except for one colour, or one feature of the photo, so, as you can see, this time I did the opposite. I think it looks alright, either case is really just to draw the eye to the main feature before allowing it to explore the rest of the shot.

As for the rest of my day it wasn’t that exciting and not the most fun to write about. I did some good work for my screenplay and hopefully will actually start writing the first draft in a few weeks, and then I just did the normal hum drum stuff around the house.

Be good blipsters.

- Damian

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