What can you say

Not in a blippable mood today, so you get a pic of the World Cup coverage BBC1 , 7 - 1 Germany - Brazil. And i don't even follow football.

But why was today so bad. Well I woke as usual at 3 or 4 something. My tendonitis was giving me pain and required a couple of pills. I can't even remember if they were paracetamol or ibuprofen. They were pink.

then I woke at 7.40 and it was pouring. That meant sloshing to the bus stop.

The morning was ok, except we have all these left over cakes from Friday and I keep eating them and eating them and eating them.

The afternoon was mainly a long argumentative meeting about risk assessment. I am going to have to change my style and stop being friendly and be a manger and maybe a bit more directive. it was a bit emotional and I get a bit OTT. I took a while to come down so didn't leave the office till late.

Got home to find #3 son and #2 gf watching tv in the living room. So I've not done a lot tonight. Watched tv, eaten, drank and wondered why the beeb are playing Donna Summer from '78? That was a happy time. Now is not a happy time.

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