After my request for tuition on how to use my camera the other day, a friend's father, Phil, kindly offered to meet me and have a chat.

I got to Caffe Nero in plenty of time, put my camera bag on the table and waited, looking carefully at all the men of the right age, bearing in mind I had only met him once before and that was almost 4 years ago. When a man walked in carrying a camera bag. I thought he was the one and I was right!

We chatted generally for a while, then Phil showed me some photographs he had taken to illustrate fast and slow shutter speeds and explained about large and small apertures and various other things. His camera was slightly different to mine but he said they worked on the same principle.

We chatted a bit more and before we knew it over an hour had gone by and Phil had to go - but I am so grateful to him for giving up his time. He says he always looks at my blips and my Post-Its on FB, so of course, I had to put one up in the cafe!

So, a HUGE thank you to Phil - now off to meet my granddaughter for lunch - it's a hard life being retired!

“No act of kindness is too small.
The gift of kindness may start
as a small ripple
that over time
can turn into a tidal wave
affecting the lives of many.”

Kevin Heath

PS I was able to pay Phil's act of kindness forward when a young mum on the bus didn't have enough money for her bus fare.

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