Capital adventures

By marchmont

I am curious, Molly

Woke very early, in Bearsden. The time goes very slowly in Bearsden and you get a different class of plane - all the big jets coming in from the overnight North Atlantic flights.

On a train (yes another train) at 8.21 to head east. It was very chilly and cloudy in the middle of the country but the sun was still with us in the capital.

A 'working at home' day but I took some time out at lunchtime to take #3 son and #2 gf for a celebratory lunch. We went to Cafe Cassis and had some lovely food, but inside unfortunately. They went off to town and I came home and sat in the garden, working, honest.

I continued to work well into the evening and got most of the red flags cleared. Such a satisfying feeling.

Molly spent most of the afternoon under the fuchsia, keeping out of the sun. Then tonight she took to sniffing the path. We have no idea why and she wasn't telling. I did ask.

It threatened real rain in the late afternoon but it has come to nought so I've been watering the pots.

Quite tired after my early start and off to Glasgow again tomorrow - for venue training.

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