The sun after the storm

I woke to a brilliantly clear morning. Early enough for me to do a quiet potter before heading out on a run to Whisper Cove, at the northern end of Snells Beach. All the way there, the sky was soft pastels and little evidence of the coming sunrise. On my way back I watched as the sun gilded the edges of the clouds, produced crepuscular rays, cast a beam of light across the bay, and then showed itself through a gap in the clouds.

Not the classical landscape format of the horizon being at the 1/3 mark up. However, I deliberately chose to take this with a strong foreground. I think it's particularly good in large.

The effects of the storm were apparent as the sand of Snells Beach was almost totally covered (above the high tide mark) for about 2/3 of the length of the beach by seaweed thrown up by the rough water. It will produce good mulch for gardens, I imagine.

A day of writing reports, and spending time with S' brothers. Her Melbourne based brother is over in order to attend the book launch on Tuesday.

Now we are about to have dinner with daughter C and the grandboys.

This is the latest in the Sunday sunrise series.

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