Life's Little Moments

By dbifulco


Yes, back to my mainstay today ... hummingbirds. The juveniles are all quite used to me now and will often hover right in front of me, as if to ask what I'm doing. This one was about 8 feet from me, but she hovered for several seconds, allowing me to get off quite a few shots. I liked this one the best, and hope you like it too.

The day started with a lovely walk with one of my birding friends, Nancy. I took her to my favorite trail and we ended up seeing nearly 30 species in our 2 hours on the trail. We also saw quite a few cottontails, mostly young ones who weren't as afraid of us as they probably should have been. A very enjoyable way to start the day.

I posted 10 other photos on Flickr, starting HERE. Mostly hummers with a few butterflies, a clearwing moth and a silly bunny.

We had some people come look at the house today - the woman had looked at the house several weeks ago, but today brought her husband and 2 kids. I have to think that is a good sign, although they didn't stay very long. Sigh. I am trying so hard to be patient!

Five more sleeps until hubs is here - and I can't wait.

Happy Sunday, people.


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