Taming maybe

Saturday morning was spent visiting with my mom. We brought the black baby bunnies into the house to show her, and to see if they were still being AWFUL to hold....and whew....it went 100% better. They still are very active, but they didn't scream and fight our hands. This was such a relief. They were even pretty lovable this time. Sugar was able to play with them a bit, and both my mom and I held a few of them for a long time.

After my mom left to go home, we made a sudden decision to head up to the blueberry farm for more blueberries. It was overcast, so I didn't think it would be too hot. I invited a few friends to meet us up there. On the way up...the sun came out. It was a bit hot, but I picked another 7 lbs. I also purchased 15 lbs more. I will have plenty of frozen blueberries to last me all fall, winter and spring. woo hoo. It was also good to see our friends, and we ran into more friends who happened to be there as well. The kids had ice cream when we finished up, and the ladies had a nice chat.

We got home for dinner, and bedtime. Sugar made a fort in her room, and decided to sleep in it. So sweet.

PS. I guess this is my 730th blip! I thought it would be tomorrow. Oh well! It isn't all that special of a shot, but that's okay. I'm just grateful for all the loving support I have received here at blipfoto. It is a joy to come here each day and be inspired.

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