
By MelanieMay

"Shopping bags they weigh down her arm"

After my hard work over the past two weeks, what with the market stall last week and the presentation and job interview this week I decided to splurge on an impulse buy in the beauty department no less. So a few things here are out of charachter, I never really impulse buy anything, I am a very calculated shopper and always know what I want to buy and have it researched beforehand, and furthermore, I never EVER buy beauty products. I usually just ask for tester pots or use all the free samples that come in magazines! I am just not into all the girlie stuff. I don't care for beauty, hair or fashion and anyone who meets me will be able to tell that straight away. It's not that I am unkempt or anything I just believe that are more important things in my day to concern myself about and putting slug juice on my face to make me look younger is not one of them.

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