Tough Choices

I just want to forget today as soon as possible.

Just imagine… I wanted to go home after a weekend away from home and had just put all my gear - camera's, lenses, iPad, car keys, TomTom navigation set etc - on the passenger seat and wanted to get ready to enter the drivers seat door when the wind blew the passenger door closed and… the locks were activated! How? I still don't know, but my remote control key set is pretty trigger happy.

Anyway… I was standing outside and my stuff was very good visible inside… in other words… I could not leave my car unguarded.

I called home to ask if someone could locate my spare key, but they couldn't find it, so I had to call the breakdown service to try and open my door. Here on the photo…

But… They couldn't open it, so finally there was only one solution left and that was to smash the window ourselves before someone else would and my damage would be even worse as they would probably also take my camera & lenses etc and maybe even the car as the keys were pretty available too.

Of course the didn't have my window in stock so I'll had to secure park my car overnight too.

What a waste of money. I was saving for a new sony alpha 7, but this little incident cost me half the price of that cam :-((

Hope tomorrow brings better things! And yes… I can already laugh - a little - about the events of this day.

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