Cornwall Day 8


Started out as a beautiful morning which we spent at the Farmhouse pottering and looking after the roof thatchers by suppying them with mugs of strong tea from time to time. I had to play third sheepdog whilst the local Farmer was moving his large flock of sheep to another field just past the house to stop them coming down the lane. I must have barked and snapped at heels perfectly as the flock didn't break once!!

In the afternoon the sun went in and it was quite overcast but still warm and humid so just right to have a nice long walk which ended up on the beach at Holywell Bay, where we explored the caves before the tide came in, watched Choughs circling, and then settling on the rocks. After all that we sat on the beach, people watching - (well one of us had a nap?!!).

Home to the Farmhouse hoping to have dinner later in the garden, but it rained!

NB Some of the poorly acclaimed BBC's adaptation of Daphne Du Maurier's 'Jamaica Inn' was filmed at Cornwall's Holywell Bay (here) and Bodmin Moor, but mostly in Yorkshire and Cumbria. I for one was very disappointed with it and gave up mid-way through Part 2, although I perked up for just a little while when I saw Mary Yellan and others coming over the sand dunes where we walk and then the sight of the Gull Rocks.

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