
By misswinterfinch

Cleaning Scene

Early today (7 a.m.) on the corner of my street and two others these men arrived from the village fire brigade to make a lot of noise waking us up, causing the neighbourhood dogs to set out barking, and scaring the cats who were out doing their morning 'constitutionals'.
I couldn't figure out why they would be washing the streets since we had a nice cleaning from Nature two days ago.
Someone informed me that this is the annual fire hydrant flushing event. That's just about as exciting as things get here. Well now, that's done and sorted until next year. Cats went back to sleep. Dogs shut up, and I got a second mug of coffee before downloading the photos for today.
This fog the guys are working in has lifted with the summer sun. Fog is a regular gift from the river only a block away.
We've got some real beauty going on right now. Cotton ball clouds float in a China blue sky. 14º C (58ºF) and low humidity. Oh, so perfect day here... one after another this week. It will get up to 72º later. I think we sent 'global warming' elsewhere for now.

Really had a number of fine blips to choose from but whenever I can get an 'action' scene from the Oxford village I go for it.

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