Party girl

What else would you do when you've got your best frock on than go cycling around a soggy farm on a too small, pink bike? Well, when you're 9, that's the perfectly logical thing to do. A little bit of cleaning off and she was ready for her friend's birthday party.

Miss AB posed for a shot, where the big kids (three 13 year old girls! Yikes!) slumped their shoulders and turned away. Little Miss AB is my top model at the moment! The texture is the side of one of the old sheds on the farm. I liked the effect it gave.

The cold still lingers; it's a bit annoying actually. I'm staying toasty by the fire and baking these while my lovely hubby is playing taxi driver for the girls. I fear that he may be coming down with said cold.

We'll take it easy tonight and tomorrow and hopefully we'll both be fighting fit for work on Monday. It's been a busy few months really and I think we're both just keen for some R&R together.

Back to it.

Bye all.

~The Barkings~

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