
By analogconvert13

Heron Fishing. GX1, Leitz Telyt-V 200mm.

I had some spare time for serious Blipping this evening, so I went down to my usual spot on the river down by the boat club. It turns out that there was a party going on; any wildlife that would normally have been there, was miles away. I decided to go upstream and happened upon a weir. This is clearly the end of navigation on the river and thus no hoons in power boats kicking up a wake and making a noise. The Blip gods smiled and there was this fellow, a Black-crowned night-heron (Nycticorax nycticorax), doing a little fishing below the weir. A consult with my faithful friend, Wiki, yielded this information. The herons (and some gulls) have figured out the technique: stand as still as a post in the torrent and wait until some hapless fish gets swept over the top... My guy had the patience of Job and obliged me by standing just there, but he didn't catch anything while I was watching. I love his white plumes, artfully arranged over his shoulder! These, and pink legs (as opposed to yellow-green) appear during the breeding season. I shall return to this lovely spot!

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