
By Riverdale2


When today's theme was announced last week it was assumed that it would be easier than last week's theme of 'trees'.

Easier for who? I live in a pet free zone. My cat died 7 years ago and we've never had the heart to replace her. None of our neighbours or family own a pet. The people opposite keep a dog - some sort of pedigree which they breed from (and make a small fortune while they're at it) so it isn't allowed out of the house. The people two doors down from them have a huge black dog. It might be a pedigree; then again it might not be. Whichever, we don't know these people. They've not lived there long and I'm not a very sociable person at the moment so I couldn't really go round and ask if I could photograph their dog. They do, however, leave it to roam round the garden for most of the evening. That's the theory, anyway. In reality, it spends most of its time slumped behind the gate. So, I cowered behind my landing curtains, camera at full zoom, waiting for it to slump.

This is the result. One pet dog - breed, gender, name and owner all unknown.

And no colour popping - again.

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