Puff the magic dragon lives by the sea...

Do you see the dragon ? The clouds were amazing and kept changing shapes today and suddenly this dragon appeared spreading it's wings across the blue sky.

Very hot again today and just these wispy clouds above us although the Haar covered the Firth from about mid day.

I have managed to clean nearly all the decking with some help from David who has ended up with a burnt neck. Thought I had better put some suncream on and the next minute I was stung by a wasp that was trapped in my arm as I moved the jet wash. Anti histamine taken and a bit of swelling but hopefully that will be it. I', sure it was the smell of the cream that attracted it.

Great excitement last night as the farmer checked the fences on his quad bike and let sheep into the field. They have plenty to eat and the farmer was back today cutting down the dock that had grown very high in the middle of the field. He drove a very old tractor and the spinning cutter at the back, probably has a special name but I do nt know it !, kept being clogged up with the amount dock leaves.

Feet up now and hoping that I do nt ache tomorrow !

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