Looking Forward...

By Fiono

Trams. Trams everywhere.

Apologies for the slightly blurry photo of a tram...taken from another tram! The tram system to Basel is like the tube system to London. They're everywhere! It makes the Edinburgh tram system seem even more of an anticlimax than it already was.

Today I went to der Schwimmbad, otherwise known as the swimming pool, with my German roommate, her son and his friend who are staying with us this week. I haven't been swimming for years! There was a cool black flume with flashing lights as you slid down. Very psychedelic.

I think it will be a while before I feel confident enough to use German more. At the moment I'm just catching the odd word that I recognise and using a mixture of English and German phrases and words but I'm very thankful for understanding room mates, shop assistants, bank cashiers...

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