Urban Decay

Or just an unpainted post box? I love the thought that the postman changes that little metal plaque each day to show when the next collection will be. How antiquated.

Regardless of the answer to the above question, I liked it so chose it for my 3rd entry in week 4 of DDW's props challenge. Stumbled upon it whilst walking back from the gym. Walking back from the gym because I was too sweaty to sit in the car. Sweaty because I had run 13km. Ran 13km in two sections. Ran 13km in two sections because ...... well, I will save you the details, but if curiosity gets the better of you, see last week's blip for an explanation. Bit of an issue that.

Great night last night. Food was good. Company was good and it was great to see Tim and Andrea out together and both looking very comfortable in the relationship. Long may it last. The paddle of rebuke went down a storm and rather unsurprisingly was waved in my direction more than anyone else's, and on many occasions by me. I can see that being a regular feature on our nights out.

Read a review in the paper today about a program I missed during the week, 'clothes to die for'. Basically, it was about the appalling and in some cases, life threatening conditions that some people work in so that we can buy clothes at knock down prices. It has made me seriously consider the contents of my wardrobe and I will be more particular about what clothes I buy and from where I buy them in future.

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