Journey Through Time

By Sue

Pink Echinacea

I had a bee on a zinnia that I fooled around with in Picasa and I was all set to put it on here, when I thought..."hmmm, this looks silly." The bee had his head away from me, and I realized that it looked rather like a headless bee, because of the angle. So I ran out and just snapped this one, and I like it a lot better. Took it with the nifty 50 and that always does nice things to an image. Well, sometimes anyway.

A very warm day that will give way to hot weather for this next week. Bill and I are doing a day trip to the beach on Tuesday. He requested a date with me, and I am happy to oblige.

Today I enjoyed the summer day and read a lot of my book while sitting on the patio, drinking my iced tea. Don't laugh but I read the Teen fiction - the Divergent series...and I am on book three. I get curious and I want to be in the know sometimes about these pop culture things. I will not, however, read 50 Shades of Grey, another pop culture phenom. LOL I'm not interested. The only Grey I am interested in is Grey's Anatomy on TV.

Okay kids, hope you all had a good weekend.

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