A view from Jeanneb

By Jeanneb53


This hover fly isn't currently hovering but using his probe to collect nectar hence 'Hoovering'!

After a late return home last night and several late nights whilst away, I elected not to walk with the ladies this morning but found I had an urge to garden. (It doesn't happen often!)

The weather was warm sunny and pleasant unlike the oppressive heat we have had in the last couple of weeks, so perfect for getting out there. I was mainly removing old stems and spent plants as the heat has kept the weeds down. Still managed to fill a garden waste recycling bag and a basket!

After lunch I moved the steamer chair into the shade and knitted for a while enjoying the summer scene including watching the window cleaner at work and having a pleasant chat.

It felt good to be enjoying our own garden so I decided to look for a suitable blip here too. My plan had been for one of the Agapanthus which are now starting to flower and we also have some very showy Lilies in pots but when I looked at the Japanese Anemone there was a busy Hover fly that attracted me so that was the one for today.

The tomatoes have also come on well over the last few days and we are having some for tea for the first time tonight.

Long may the summer last!

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