
Bravo..... 'I think she's got it. By George she's got it'. A proud Mum!

Looking a little bored of following Mum and Dad around this little oystercatcher chick was being taught how to find food. Having winkled some tiny grub out she encouraged her chick to go in and get it for herself. Great to watch this super parenting this afternoon from a Hide in Slimbridge.

I love their 'peeping' sound as they fly, their bold black and white plumage and long vivid orange bills. Even better to look into that orange encased red eye which always seems so sharp. SOOC by the way just a small crop.

The latest sighting which I went down to see was a blue headed wagtail - possibly nesting on the Tack Piece. Clueless about this tiny bird I was offered a look of a picture on an iPhone taken yesterday to see it. Well .... tenuous at best I feel. I have a good imagination but I feel others have greater as it looked distinctly grey to me. However I'm not going to argue with the wardens that there is one there - but not that one! My version also taken at great distance which makes ID difficult is here. Don't know what you think? I've googled them and in some pictures they do have distinctive blue caps! Not to say that I've photographed the correct bird.

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