Dad and the Lad

Tonight a little indulgence for which I hope you will forgive me. Last week Fraser was selected to represent the club in a district competition as part of a rink. He was so excited to have been picked and could not wait for tonight to arrive.

He is such a funny little person, he takes everything in his stride and just get on with things. Matches are played on a neutral greens and when I saw the opposition I had visions of us being annihilated. Two former Scottish Champions and a current district champion amongst their four players.

Fraser shook hands and chatted away with the opposition as the preliminaries were sorted out and then the game began. I cannot explain how proud I was of him, he was selected on merit, he is a super little bowler, but just to watch his confidence in the company he was keeping was to be marvelled at. His presence drew quite a crowd and they were left in no doubt he could play, as a rink we all played well and lost by two shots having been very unlucky at the second last end when lying three not to be in the lead. I was so pleased for Fraser that he enjoyed himself and that he played so well, the score didn't matter. He carried himself with dignity way beyond his tender 9 years and was a credit to himself.

I hope you enjoy seeing his shot for the album, a little bittersweet for dad as tonight I was no longer the youngest ever player selected to represent the club in a senior competition as I was eleven when my chance came but I could not be happier for him

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