
By ElectricFish

Birthday Blip

Today I went back to where I took my first photo for blipfoto and retook it. It not going to be a regular habit. I was on the beach today taking photos of the kite surfers but the photos were mostly too dramatic for my thoughts today.

I thank all those who subscribed to me and thank all those I've subscribed to for all the pleasure and joy over the past year and long may it continue.

I won't be celebrating today though as I read a letter by Brian Eno and this excerpt stopped me in my tracks....
"Today I saw a picture of a weeping Palestinian man holding a plastic carrier bag of meat. It was his son. He’d been shredded (the hospital’s word) by an Israeli missile attack – apparently using their fab new weapon, fléchette bombs. You probably know what those are – hundreds of small steel darts packed around explosive which tear the flesh off humans. The boy was Mohammed Khalaf al-Nawasra. He was four years old.

I suddenly found myself thinking that it could have been one of my kids in that bag, and that thought upset me more than anything has for a long time.

I'm not on blipfoto to make political statements. I'm just affected by what I read. I will quote, however, Edmund Burke, Irish Statesman, Born 1729 who said "The only thing necessary for the triumph of evil is for good men to do nothing.'

I will leave you ponder that image and leave the last words with a song written by Joni Mitchell...just saying

Fiddle and Drum

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