Life within the Lens

By Brittany

Something Sweet

So I'm still working on these little sweeties....but happy to say I am beginning to see the light at the end of the tunnel. My fascination or obsession for cupcakes began when my sweet little niece, Olive, was still in my sister-in-laws belly. Morekka (sister-in-law) saw a painting of a cupcake and thought it would be the cutest idea for Olive's nursery theme. So, she turned to me for the undertaking =) and I'm so happy that she did. It unleashed, like I said earlier, a bit of an obsession. I find myself in bakeries staring at cupcakes for inspiration and ideas. I absolutely love painting them and have been blessed to start selling some pieces. These three are also for a special little ladies nursery, baby Maydyn. I'm happy that I decided to take a picture of them cause it has helped me to see them from a different view. Lucky for me, I found a few flaws I want to tweak.

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