
The bad wether never made it here. When it comes to Southerly stuff often The Sheep does not make it over the pass so it stayed in Queenstown and generally caused trouble but since The Bossess was not going anywhere on an aeroplane there were no problems in that department.
The Boss says that if you enjoy living in a mountain environment you have to take the grey with the grate. I think this has something to do with cheese…They grate that don’t they? I have smelt grated cheese on occasions and The Grater (often The Boss who is Chief Chef and Coffee Machine Washer) has enforced section 17 of the dog in the kitchen act and I have returned to the safety of my bed under the stairs….Right! But I can still smell it from there…So there…
The Boss had a dogless day today and left me with The Bossess where I spent time on my portable double decker bed in her office eyeing the treat drawer.
He went supermarket shopping and lap dancing…..What?......Oh….. Sorry Laptop fixing. Sounds the same I recon. I understand that “software” was involved. Sounds dead dodgy to me.
Later in the day when it was considered tooo cold to take me out he opened the window in his studio, let the cold in and stuck his camera out. I watched this but went bark to watching The Bossess’s treat drawer. If you were waiting to see the Fable shot sorry it got gazumped as the British property folk say.
BTW, We don’t do gazumping in New Zealand. If you do the deal it stays done.

The Hills are alive.......Eh?

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