Walking Wombat

By WalkingWombat

Oh, So Close!

It's so exciting to think that within a matter of weeks the historic Hydro Majestic Hotel will once again be open to the world to enjoy.

The Hydro sits like a huge white beacon at the top of the Megalong Valley in a very quiet little village called Medlow Bath in the Blue Mountains. It has been vacant for many years and now it is about to be reborn.

I ducked into a back street in Medlow this afternoon to take an image of the Hydro from what most people would consider to be the back of the hotel. In fact it was originally the front entrance and I believe they are going to reinstate the road so that when tourists arrive they will enter up the grand staircase. The view from this side of the building is arguably the most sensational in the whole of the Blue Mountains.

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