
By schlimm

red light

Quite a few buildings in Edinburgh have red lights shining on them these evenings - does anybody know why?

This blip is the Academy building and was taken from the bus. At the busstop I suddenly remembered that I had wanted to blip the building with the red spotlights but far too soon the bus began to move and my camera automatically put the flash on which only created a white mist and did not produce any worthwhile blips. This one is obviously just the best of the worst and I tried to make it a bit more interesting (and to cover up the flash reflected in the window) by using a bit of less colour here, more shadow there etc.

I will backblip for the last few days apart from Monday since I never took a single picture that day.

Thank you blip for giving me a bit of quiet space after a hectic day at work and getting worked up for no good reason earlier.

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