Time for a change

David was giving his bike a service today and was changing the oil so I thought it would make a good blip. Reading the instructions we got to number 6 and decided it was quite a tongue twister , what do you think ? :

6. Install the oil strainer, screen, spring and oil strainer screen cap.

He has a good saying to remember which way to turn the Wrench- Righty tighty, Lefty Loosy. It works with most things although there are some exceptions, apparently !

We're off to Eden Court tonight to see 'God help the girl' a romantic musical set in Glasgow. It is written and directed by Stuart Murdoch , the lead singer in Belle and Sebastian. Help for funding the film was provided by the fans who could purchase products or donate money to help raise the money needed. Richard donate some and his name should appear in the closing credits.
The evening finishes with a live performance broadcast via satellite from the Corn Exchange in Edinburgh of a half hour concert by Belle and Sebastian.

See the trailer here

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