An Unpredictable Day

Today has been a day that went very differently than I imagined.

Got the young lads off to school, no problem. I did go back to bed as I'm still not sleeping too well with the jet lag.

Woke up in time to get ready for the AC men to come and service the ACs and found out that one needs some serious attention ... that requires scaffolding on the outside to determine what the problem is. I trust these people as they were the contractors who did our home renovation, so I know we're not being taken for a ride. Left them to sort it out.

Walked down to the Plaza and found these little ones all dressed in pink T-shirts, so obviously that caught my attention!!! There were a few of them, this was just one group. Summer camp maybe?? Thankfully they're looking away, so I'm not going to get into trouble for posting without permission, I hope! Those clouds looked a bit menacing.

Met up with friends for lunch which went on for hours ... and hours! Very fun ... caught up with loads of other friends as they passed by, ended up having a jug of sangria and watched the heavens unload buckets of water over DB. Crazy weather today.

Then raced home to cook dinner for the boys after which I headed out into town to meet Martin, we were invited out to a fund raiser. First time into Central since we've been back.

Very good to hear about all that's happening in spreading the good news in China and glad that we can support friends who are so committed to that cause.

Been a very diversified sort of day .... that's the only way I can put it.

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