Little Monkey

This photo reminded me instantly of this one of Miss E from a few years ago. My girls do like to climb!
We met Mrs C and the boys at Waddesdon today. It's the first time I've been since January 1st. The changes to the parking made it feel so much less accessible and so much more of an effort so we haven't bothered!
A shame really because it's one of the best places we go with the children but today confirmed my misgivings - we'd been there for getting on for forty-five minutes before we got anywhere near the park. I used to park twenty yards away.
Anyway enough moaning!
We had a lovely day once we were there. The kids played in the park for hours. Miss E had a bit of a fit when I had the audacity to suggest that we go to the lower park for lunch when she wanted to stay at the top and climb trees but she came eventually - with incredibly bad grace and lots of whinging - and naturally had a fantastic time. They made a couple of new friends and spent hours in the trees and undergrowth playing hide and seek, chase, tease the boys, wave sticks at each other, annoy each other and occasionally come back to check your Mummy's still there!
It was good to have the chance to talk to Mrs C. We think the same about things!!
We dragged them out of the park - bribed with ice cream! - and then got the bus back down to the car park. Again, squashed on with no seats and feeling cross
From Waddesdon we had a trek to gymnastics. The Little Misses both fell asleep and I enjoyed listening to the radio in peace. And enjoyed listening to what I wanted to rather than Heart(Miss E's current favourite) or The Enormous Crocodile (Miss L's current choice)
I was also looking forward to an hour's peace while they were in gymnastics, continuing The Hunger Games which I'm loving.
But no.
Miss L point blank refused to go in. It was the second of two trial sessions that I'd paid for and I said she never had to go again but she had to go today as I'd paid. I tried to manhandle her into her gym stuff but she was having none of it and I didn't have the energy for the scene she was making or the fight she was determined to have.
So back into the car we got. In silence. I ignored her for the whole time. Listened to the radio, watched Miss E through the door, tried to read my book and fumed.
Why can't I even have one precious hour's peace?
On the plus side Miss E was the only one in her class so she had a great one-to-one session and did loads.
On the down side she was exhausted and spent the evening having a monumental meltdown.
Not long until they're back to school!!

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