
By MelanieMay

Even though you're wearin them citified high heels

I go through phases of wanting me be more elegant and lady like in my appearance and how I conduct myself. I am no lady, and I am alright with that, but sometimes, just sometimes I would like to be a bit more refined. I admire those girls who wear lipstick every day, dress with a bit of style and can walk in a pair of heels with out wincing. Myself on the other hand, look like a tranny when I wear make-up, have zero sense of style or fashion and feel like one of the ugly sisters every time I shoe horn one of my hoofs into a pair of heels. My doggy back, flat feet and fat knees also make shoes really uncomfortable to wear for anything longer than a nanosecond, and as for walking in them without looking like I'm drunk, forget about it. The other day I was out with my cousin Roxanne, she is very feminine and stylish. When I got home and saw a photo taken of us that day my heart sank as I looked so frumpy (and pale) beside her. So today was one of my 'decide to be more lady like days' and I went and bought a pair of high heels. I will never be comfortable in these, I will never enjoy wearing them and I will never have occasion to wear them and if I do ever wear them outside of the house I will just be reminded how clumpy and unladylike I am. But buying them made me feel like I was taking one giant uncomfortable step towards being a lady. Now if only I had somewhere to go to wear my new shoes!

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