Formby lifeboat beach

We set up the Wii last night and had a bit of fun, especially as one of the controllers wouldn't calibrate properly, which made life interesting.

Huddsbird had a relaxing morning while I was busy. We then packed a picnic and set off for Formby Woods ... along with rather a lot of other people! The car park was full and there was a long queue so we back tracked and went to the lifeboat beach I found the other day. After our picnic we walked through the sand dunes (where there was a band with full drum kit miming their music, obviously on a photo shoot for some publicity) and on to the beach. The weather was glorious but we soon spotted the rather black cloud approaching fast from the Wirral. This picture shows the weather front coming in from the right.

We escaped the weather and drove to Southport, parked along the beach and walked along the pier. We decided to have a go at ten pin bowling - Huddsbird won! We then went to the arcade and raced each other on the motorbikes, good job the bikes didn't really move as we bashed into the walls - I won! A short walk around the gardens and then fish and chips outside rounded off another good afternoon.

Back at mine now and preparing to depart. I'm off to Leeds for the bank holiday. It has been a great weekend so far. Thanks Huddsbird!

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