
We have had another glorious day. The weather is amazing at the moment, and we've had this weather for about 10 days now. Cooler mornings, but beautiful afternoons.

As I walked around the garden this afternoon, I saw our resident Wood Pigeon in the tree, a tui singing a beautiful song, and about 4 fantails weaving in and out of the bushes. It made me realise how lucky we are to live in the country to be able to enjoy listening and watching these delightful birds.

We had a set of twins born this afternoon. Unfortunately we won't be keeping either of the calves, as one was a bull and the other a heifer, and in this situation, the heifer is deemed infertile ( also known as freemartin.).

We are well over half way through calving now, and although at times it has been hectic and busy, it has gone rather well. Lets hope that continues.

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