
By Angelique


Yes and before you say anything, I know you've seen it before. But this is an emergency blip. Today when Mr A returned home, we noticed a little bird sitting huddled up at the bottom of the garden. On closer inspection, and a photo, we realised it was a Goldfinch with it's head tucked into its back feathers. On closer inspection, making sure the cats were in, I realised it was a young one and it tried to fly. It went and hid in the undergrowth.

I have been out to see if its still there but I cant see it and I doubt whether it will make it through the cold wet night. I couldn't bring myself to use it as my blip so here instead, the firescreen in place now illuminated.

We have not long finished rehearsing the first set and will do the rest tomorrow. The viewing we expected tomorrow has been cancelled as they have driven passed and decided Stogumber is not for them. Weird!!!

Well at least I wont have to rush about with the vacuum cleaner- phew.

Sir is away for a few days so once again I will be bored to tears tomorrow. Phoebe came today so that I could take Adrian out for a long walk. We all got soaked but Ade didn't seem to mind whereas Phoebe and I weren't too keen.

So more stain glass grinding tomorrow, trying not to grind my nails as well.
Hoping you've had better weather wherever you are and thankyou for the lovely comments on my stormy clouds over Stogumber yesterday. XXX

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