A sign.....

......that spring is creeping in, the delicate Pussy willows are back.

Before the male catkins of these species come into full flower they are covered in fine, greyish fur, leading to a fancied likeness to tiny cats, also known as 'pussies'. The catkins appear long before the leaves, and are one of the earliest signs of spring.

The flowering shoots of Pussy willow are used in Chinese New Year celebrations representing the coming of prosperity.

My mum, blipper walkingS, and I had a wonderful day enjoying the sun, it was very warm by the lakes. We had a wander with our cameras followed by some lunch and a chat and even managed some time at the beach, feeling quite refreshed.

Time now to get the tea on, Roast Chicken and salad, running far to late to be bothered with roast veges tonight.

Happy Thursday everyone :)

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