
I didn't have much time to get a blip today, but when I noticed this beautiful Passion flower scrambling up my friend's neighbours wall I had to sneak over and get a pic!
The passion flower is a vigorous climber, with interesting looking flowers which are symbolic of Christ's passion and cross'
The tendrils represent the whips used in the flagellation of Christ.
The 10 petals and sepals the 10 faithful apostles, ( minus Peter and Judas)
The radial filaments represent the crown of thorns.
The 3 stigma represent the 3 nails and the 5 anthers (below the stigma) the 5 wounds (4 from the nails and one from the lance).
The bluey white colour of many species represents heaven and purity.
Such a lot of symbolism for one little flower! not surprising then that passion flowers are often seen on gravestones.
All that symbolism apart, I have always felt they are really attractive flowers.
I am off to David's Tent tomorrow (24 hour Christian worship) should be good fun.

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