that is the name of the flower in the picture, in dutch language.
NIgella damascena in latin.
In the morning Mischa and I wandered down into the village. It was a misty morning and why not try to take pictures of the cobwebs at the bridge?
We both did our best and still we walked on towards the pretty garden in the Bridge Street and there I found the blue flowers. The huge Caterpillar that I had found there some other day had disappeared, but still we dwelled and took some nice pictures. Beautiful dahlias and big sunflowers. Both flowers we do not have in our garden.
In the afternoon we read Mischa's stories, moved the parts of the wardrobe a storey higher up, moved the yellow hungarion wardrobe, not in that order of course.
Prepared a meal, ate it, a little walk to complete this lovely sunny day (the dark days suddenly forgotten) and now a quiet evening with photos to admire.

My haiku:

Blue flower hidden
Almost in the green tiny
Leaves I still found you

And the proverb:

Not made of sugar or salt.

(= not to be disconcerted by wet weather)

1738 by Swift, Dial, I.

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