Snacks On A Plane

First of all, I have to give full credit to Mr. W for the witty title on today's journal entry.

We flew home from hot, steamy Florida today -- and here is a shot of the typical "gourmet" fare served up these days by Jetblue. Not really a whole lot more to say about this picture. I did have another photograph, which I took of our breakfast this morning. We stopped at a little diner on the way to the airport, and I was amused by our different choices. Richard ordered the most disgusting looking meal -- something called "Deep South Eggs Benedict" -- which consisted of a Southern biscuit, sausage patties, eggs over easy, smothered in sausage gravy with a side of grits. GROSS!!!! (Although he loved it!) It arrived looking like some giant had hawked up a really big amount of phlegm onto a plate. I had scrambled eggs and a cup of fresh fruit. (Can you see my halo shining?)

Our flight was put into a holding pattern somewhere over Long Island for about half an hour, because President Obama was flying in to Westchester County Airport right around the same time we were supposed to arrive there. Naturally, Airforce One took precedence.

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