Another job jobbed

Bridesmaids dresses.


Here by the weekend, hopefully. One to be shipped to County Mayo to be checked that it fits. The other will travel to South Cheshire for the same purpose (but I'll drive it there!).

Seating plan this weekend.

Must make a list of the jobs I still need to do. Got to be done next week because there isn't a cat in hell's chance that they will get done during next half term.

Tick tock.

In other news:

School was very quiet today. Which was a relief. In fact, I spent most of my day sat in my office,quietly working on a number of different tasks and praying that no-one would knock or phone to say there was some sort of calamity. Thank you to all the different deities that I prayed to.

Interesting conversation might be had tomorrow. A local night club sent a group of it's employees to stand at our school gate this afternoon, distributing leaflets promoting an under 18's party (specifically aged 14-17). Given that 50% of our pupils are under the age of 14, I am certain that there is something very wrong in promoting indiscriminately. I will check my facts tomorrow, then make a phone call if necessary. Whether it's legally wrong - not sure if there is any case - they were outside the gates. but morally. I'm not happy about it.

Remember chaps - loose lips sink ships. Check who knows what before you say anything, lest you put your foot in it! One of my friends thought she had spoiled my hen night today as she told me the different thingsthat she wouldn't be able to join us for. I was struggling with a bit of a muzzy head at the time so I must have given her my very best confused look, which she interpreted to mean that she had given the game away! Fortunately she hadn't (unless my chief bridesmaid is pulling my leg about what we are actually doing?!?!)

That's it. PJ's and bed for me.

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