A Plumbers Wife!

By hebsjournal

Decisions decisions

Starting off with 45 favourites, I have now whittled it down to 7 (it was 9 at the start of the evening). colleagues, friends and neighbours have all been accosted to give me their opinion about which images they like. I have been critical - having had 20 of them printed properly (i.e. not on my crappy printer) - I started to look with the eyes of an assessor, looking at technical details - sharpness and clarity, tonal range blah blah. One of the images in this shot is actually technically no good, as there is a slight blurring on the edges due to it being one of my early HDR shots and me having dodgy technique (at that time, or maybe still?!). But I like it even so (the boats).

But still I have gut reactions about certain images. I am having to be objective. Its difficult to be objective when the images make me react in particular ways - the portraits and self portraits because I know when they were shot and the emotional attachments I have to them are strong because of the timings of the shots. The mono shots of the church and inside of the cathedral I am happier with because they hold no (real) emotional tie, so I have been able to choose them because they are, in my mind, good images.

Who knows.

I might just close my eyes and pick four on monday evening before I go to camera club!!!

Have to be up early in the morning - can't be late. I'm in charge of morning briefing tomorrow (and also the school for the rest of the day apparently! Bribes WILL be accepted for an early finish chaps!). Fingers crossed for a quiet, disaster free day so that I can practise staring out of the window, and maybe a little putting technique later in the day. Good preparation for Headship so I am told. I promise I won't flounce around disturbing people's lessons and I will try not to offend anyone during the day.

Famous last words.

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