
By Teasel

Our Town

When thinking about the title for today’s blip I thought of Our Town, which reminded me that when I was at school we read a play called Our Town by Thornton Wilder. I couldn’t really remember what it was about, apart from there being two main families, so of course I googled it to find out more. Even after reading this I don’t remember the story – but I do remember the stage manager narration and the fact that it is performed with no props.

In other news my train (and lots of trains) were cancelled or delayed this afternoon due to signalling failure. I had to shell out for a taxi (Grrrr!) to get me to the park and ride so I could pick up the car. I just made it back in time to get BB from school so I could take him to badminton. He would have been very disappointed if he had missed it.

Here is a blip of our town – the High Street to be exact.

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