
By mar

Fashion is all about eventually becoming naked


This little dress model brought a lot of laughter today as Charlotte had a friend over who has never been to our house before. Kami was fully aware of the 'house of puppets' and knew some of what to expect, but for some reason, this tickled her pink.

I have a 'thing' with dress models and picked this one up not that long ago. I put it next to the fireplace just because at the time, I was bringing other shopping in - it by no means was meant to become it's permanent home. But things work like that in our house. Charlotte didn't like it being 'nude' so added a necklace to it. Then another one. Then another. Soon, this 'contraption' replaced my 'nude' dress model.

Why don't I change it/move it/throw it out? Because it sort of represents this house - I have ideas, Charlotte takes them over and Michael and I just accept it. Besides, it's almost like an art object now :-)

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