
Day two at school. We got up and ready without too much difficulty and left the house before half eight . Woohoo!
I packed the bags and got their clothes ready again last night. Who knew what a difference that would make?!!!
Miss E ran off with Miss T from the car park. I suppose I should get used to seeing her disappear every morning!
Miss L marched off down to Reception and when she got to the gate of their little playground she turned round and told me she wanted to go in by herself.
So she skipped to the door clutching her rucksack and book bag and let herself in.
My work is done!!
So I came home and spent a Thursday morning alone for the first time in six and a half years!
Alone apart from the Amazon delivery man and the man who came to do our annual gas check!!
I decided to do an hour's washing up and tidying - we have a de-cluttered, scrubbed and organised cupboard under the sink!! - and then adjourned to the sofa to enjoy my freedom!
I had a bit of a wobble as it hit me that rather than a lovely day of freedom this is my life from now on.
Then I made a cup of tea and wrote a list of all the things I need to do.
Should keep me going for a while!!
After lunch I went to Mrs L's to drop off Miss M's presents and drink more tea. It was so sad when I arrived - Mr T was looking around for Miss L and plaintively saying her name. They've had a lovely couple of years seeing each other almost every week and now it's over :-(
As usual I stayed longer than I meant to and ended up rushing back to school to pick up Miss L for swimming. And as if that wasn't stressful enough the petrol gauge showed I had eleven miles of fuel left. For my twelve mile journey.
But I got there, got petrol and got Miss L to swimming on time.
It made me laugh out loud watching her - head down, bum up and feet down and wiggling her head, bum and feet at the same time, kicking as hard as she could. And going nowhere. Hilarious!!

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