It's starting again........

Fungi blips that is!
I feel very sad today, as it was the 10th anniversary of the death of my great Aunty. I know this sounds insignificant, but Aunty was like a mother to me, as my mother worked and Aunty more or less raised me. She was such a lovely, kind, warm tender and extremely generous person , yet extremely humble. I miss her so much.
The song 'wind beneath my wings' reminds me of her so much as the words really say it all here.
After lunch I went out with Arab to Box hill, and he found this pretty little fungus, Snowy ink cap Coprinus niveus in the grass.
The Snowy ink cap is infrequent, but far from rare, occuring mainly on animal dung. The generic name Coprinopsis literally means living on dung, and nivea comes from the Latin word niveus meaning snowy.
It can be found from May to November, and is reported as either poisonous or at least 'suspect'.
My theory is fungi that don't come shrink wrapped from a shop are best left alone!
Brighton tomorrow to get the screen on Robyn's iphone mended, that should be fun :-)

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