So close

Only 5 mins from home and I'm steadily heading up the valley. Looking back it's an unusual view of Christchurch.

That's what's left of the CBD centre left. I don't know which of those buildings are still to come down.

Centre right is the old AMI stadium. There are reports and counter reports on it's brokenness and future.

The valley I'm in is 70cm narrower since the February earthquake. The houses in the foreground are in the valley so you can imagine how that affects them.

But I was in the hills for 1.5 hours. Above the city, giving my foot a bit of uneven ground and the rest of me space to think and be.

I returned home to talk to Dad for Father's Day. Here he is last Father's Day.

I did a careful balance of house stuff and time to relax, read and then just lie on my rug in the sun. Now I just need a good night's sleep and I will feel replenished.

I heard something funny today. I heard the Aussie Peter Fitzsimonds interviewed about his new book 'Galipoli'. He commented he can't think of clever titles for his books. The best book title he knows is 'Elvis is dead and I don't feel so good myself'.


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