Diary of an Edinburgher

By LadyMarchmont

A nuisance then a Big Walk

My email has been hacked and everyone in my contacts (I think) has been sent a strange email. Just delete it! So of course, I had to spend hours this morning deleting and setting up new emails.

Once that was done - and I was just about tearing my hair out - I realised it was such a beautiful day it was a shame to be inside, so Archie and I set off. And we did a Big Walk. Down to the Meadows, pausing to chat to a neighbour (Archie just sits and waits patiently), and for a request from a mum and a toddler to pat the nice doggie. The nice doggie licked the toddler's face. That's quite a change from a month or so ago!

It was glorious on the Meadows. We met Maisie, a lovely cockapoo and they had fun rolling round together while the owner and I had a chat. Then we walked over the Links and met the biggest dog ever - he was the size of a Shetland pony! But he was very gentle.

We walked down to the canal, and back along to the end. I always like this colourful barge, but I've never seen anyone on it.

Back round through town - by this time I was flagging a bit. I needed a sit down and a cold drink. And there it was - one of my favourite (dog friendly) pubs. Just when I needed it.

Another run around on the Meadows, and we met a really really fat bulldog called Gilbert. Gilbert was puffing and panting and wheezing, but did try to frolick a bit.

Back home and Archie has had a big run around in the back garden. He generally doesn't bother going into the flower border any more. Except that he must have when I wasn't looking, because he snaffled an apple, from the little espaliered trees. He knew it was illicit, and so charged around and around while I pretended to try to catch him. A quick Google shows that apples aren't poisonous to dogs, but the seeds are.

A quick rattle of his Kibble and he forgot his illicit treat. Bingo.

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