
By maddischeib

Volleyball Banner Trip

The day we went to get our team banner done for volleyball was quite interesting. It started off with everyone scrambling to find a ride because a couple people didn’t have one due to miscommunication. So we ended up having to squish 10 girls into the back of Jordy’s car.
The ride to the place where we got them taken was interesting and uncomfortable. We had two girls sitting on peoples laps and on top of that we were squished like sardines.
We got there all in one piece and met up with the rest of our team on the sidewalk in front of the place. Then we sat there for like 45 minutes because the photographer had another job that she was doing and couldn’t come sooner. She told us that she emailed Jada and told her that but she didn’t it.
So we went and got our banner done and went home. The drive home was even more interesting than the ride to the place. We passed about 3 cops on our way home. We decided to stop at McDonalds for lunch and everyone in the place was giving us funny looks. I kept thinking, “Haven’t you ever seen a volleyball team before?” We all got home safely in the end and made some pretty funny memories.

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